Last Wednesday I went to my grand daughters pre-school for Grand Parents Day. You can see photos of our day by clicking on my flickr link. We had a great day enjoying the festivities at the pre-school, then brunch at the Rainbow Grill, and then the most fun of all, the park! These are photos of two trees from the park. If you've read my earlier blog you know that I love trees...if you haven't read my earlier blogs, I love trees :)

One of my favorite movies "Lord of the Rings" has walking, talking trees, they're friendly trees that help the main characters and keep them safe and lifted up far above evil. I love those walking talking trees!
Here's one of my favorite "tree" memories: One Fall I went on personal retreat in Wisconsin. While there I went on a walk and came upon a grove of tall, mature Oak Trees, I spent a long time there just listening to their brown leaves rustling in the dry fall wind. Under my feet were crisp beautiful fallen leaves and acorns. Squirrels had the freedom in this place to come and claim ownership of the acorns in security, even though I was there they knew it was their domain and scampered about. It's such a vivid memory of mine walking slowly through this grove, sometime spent sitting just taking it in, the sights, the sounds, the dry earthy smell.
With trees to take them in you have to look up...they're a reminder of God and how "BIG" He is and the reminder to look up, look for Him always.
On this eve of Easter, the celebration of Christ's Resurrection from the dead let's call to remembrance that He hung on a tree and died so that we could live and be with Him! In essence Jesus is like the walking talking trees from "Lord of the Rings" lifting me up above the evil and keeping me safe, talking to me, walking with me.
I love trees, and I love Jesus who hung on a cross/tree for me!