
Saturday, July 31, 2010


I love flowers...
They make my heart smile~
I do miss having my own flower garden to putz around in :(
Now instead of growing flowers I photograph them...
And I make cards with the photos...
This is my latest batch...
Soon to become cards :)
Welcome to my little flower garden of love...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Secret Beach...again!

I just can't stay away....I have to see the beauty at the beach!
even in death there's beauty somehow...
I like to look and listen...
I love how the sky changes all the time...literally all the time, it's beautiful
It makes me very happy and smiley...

The actual sunset...
This time I took a friend...

She loved it!

And she took some photos...
Headed home...I will be back, next week!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cold Beach...

I love to go to beaches but not so much to sit in the sun. I actually enjoy going to the beach when it's on the cool side. I often go at dusk and watch the sun go down or on a cloudy day. I like to watch a storm roll in, hear the sound of the water, watch the light dance on the waves, the ever changing cloud formation over head, the whip of the wind, the smell of the air...ahhhhhhh! I love a cold beach...
All of these photos were taken at a beach on the Oregon coastline.
It was June 2009 when I was there and it was a cool windy day.
It was glorious!
This looked like a rock but upon closer inspection it was indeed a rock but covered, no plastered with all these shells, it was ocean art and really beautiful.

Side note: I've been called a cold beeeeeach before, pun intended!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Play date with Horace Wimp

Today I had a visitor at my house for the day, "Horace Wimp." He came for a play date while his owners, my youngest son and his bride went on a roadtrip. Right off the get go he starts in on cleaning my carpets. He did a nice job too!
It prompted me to clean and since Horace had the carpets handled I decided to wash my windows. Horace was the project supervisor. First I did the inside of the windows, then the outside. I had to go out on my balcony to do the outside. Horace sat by the screen and let me know if I missed a spot or if a squirrel was sneaking up behind me.
Then it was nap time...he's a good napper, I like that about him!

He wasn't really ready to get up but all I had to do was say "Outside" and he gave me this look.
I let him sit on my couch...not sure if he gets to do this at home. He looks so noble, noble enough for an ascot I think, it would make him look even more dapper!

Other activities involved listening to the birds sing, taking several walks outside, eating real dog food not just the crumbs on all my floors, he helped with laundry but didn't like the way the dryer sounded when going, he said he was sorry about that and offered to help fold. Currently he's happily chewing on a towel I tied in a knot and gave him. He likes it and thinks I'm fun! He's a good boy that Horace Wimp. Just in case you're wondering where his name came from, it's an old ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) song title.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Old stuff...

I like it...
Even with cracks...
And imperfections...
This guy right here, he's getting old!
He turns 21 today!
Happy Birthday Beej and welcome to adult land!