I am SUPER pumped!!!!! I have 5 days, count them..1...2...3...4...5... days off in a row!!!! What on earth will I do? I have my list and I'm excited about it (I am a list maker and list follower, or list crosser offer, you could call it). First and most important, I'm having "Family Date Night" at my house on Thursday night. Pizza will be happening and we will laugh, we always do when together. Oh, how I love the hub bub when we are together! Excuse the short intermission from this blog post to give a shout out to my family..."Hey O'Dell's I love you all, am so proud of you and love who you are, and that we're all in this family together!" There end of intermission!
Friday I'm going to start painting my dining room, entry way and table. On Friday night they're predicitng 10 FOOT WAVES on Lake Michigan (at least that's the forecast) I'm so in on that! I'm going to head to my Secret Beach for the sunset, camera in hand and take some photos (OH! my heart be still!). I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Lake Michigan coastline and feel drawn to it, literally like a magnet, drawn to it, so I'll go back for more soul filling goodness and drink in the smell, the sound, the beauty!
I have a photo shoot to edit of my friend Ted. We went downtown Grand Rapids last week for a photo shoot for a project he's doing. We had BIG fun doing some location shots!!!! I'll be posting more Ted photos from his shoot soon.
Happy Labor Day Weekend Everyone...have a BLAST!!!!!!