
Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Harrell Family...

Say "Hello" to the Harrell Family! They're a happy, fun and super cute bunch! 
This is the first grandbaby for Mike and Kathy and they are loving it! 
The grand baby lives in Texas with her super cute parents
so Mike & Kathy don't get to see her / them very often, 
since they were all able to be together we did the photo shoot.
How could you not love this little bug...
 See I told you they were a super cute bunch, I wasn't even lying...
 More cuteness happening...
 We had to take a break to feed the little bug, meanwhile brothers and sisters 
always bug each other, no matter how old they are...see here's proof! 
 As the baby feeding continues, the jump fest begins...nicely done too! 
 As you may or may not already know I am a foot photo lover...
 More super cuteness going on...
 The lovely ladies...
 We'll call these "The Lion King!"

What's not to love about baby feet...

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