What time is it? It's certainly time for a new blog post!!!! Finally!! I apologize, it's been over a week since my last post. I know it's truly hideous. To make it up to you I'm doing a Give A Way! More about that later in the post.
What time is it? It's dinner time, or was. I just finished eating a scumtrulescent meal with roasted chicken, broccoli, spinach, red cabbage, red onions, asparagus, tomatoes all sauteed up in olive oil, with some red pepper flakes and cayenne pepper. It was spicy hot goodness!
It's family time! I'm all about family. I love my kids, their mates, and my grandkids. They are the funniest, most creative, best people I know. I'm sure you feel the same way about your family. I force, and I say that literally, force us to take family photos every year. I love our family photos. I like to shoot informally, I'm not really a formal, studioish type photographer. I usually like the photos of my family casually talking and laughing the very best. I treasure them. I love the photo below; only one of them was looking at me, everybody else is talking, staring off into space, sucking a thumb, pulling grass, or just sitting there looking pretty. Love, love, love it!
The next I have hanging on my dining room wall. I actually made it into this one, which is pretty rare. It's not perfect, that's not the point. It's a moment captured in time of the ones I love.
Look at us we're all looking and mostly smiling. Secret, Luke the only looking in the previous photo has his eyes closed, or is looking down in this one.
Now, onto the Give A Way...I'm going to give a way a Free Family Photo Shoot. I'll come to the location of your choice, take some great photos of your family, have an 8 x 10 photo of your choice printed for you, and two 5 x 7's of the same print. You'll also get your photos on a disk to have and to hold for as long as you both shall live! Oops sorry, that's wedding talk, don't get me started on getting married wedding talk!
To enter just leave a comment on my blog. You don't have to have an account to comment on my blog, just choose anonymous. You can enter once a day, the more you enter the bigger the chance that you'll win. The Give A Way will end on Sunday night, I'll randomly choose a winner and announce it on Monday. Leaving a comment on my Facebook page doesn't count, although appreciated greatly!
I'm up for a road trip so if you don't live in Grand Rapids I'm willing to travel within a 100 mile radius of Grand Rapids.
What time is it? It's Family Photo time!
Happy Tuesday!
Jewels -
Love your photos. You make family photos fun and precious. Sort of like you!!!!
What a Grand Idea - A family picture with everyone interacting.....a true Family Picture! Love, Love, Love the idea! Really gets me thinking. When the kids were little we would have a video camera on a tripod just running during a holiday dinner. Interesing stuff we caught on tape.
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