
Sunday, October 21, 2012

SUPER Fun Family Alert!

Earlier this Fall I had the honor of taking photos of a SUPER fun, good looking and CRAZY family! All the kids surprised their mom & dad with a family session. The reason for the surprise is so touching that I just can't not tell you about it. On Valentine's Day in 2012 this couple lost their home in a fire. Yes, you read that right Valentine's Day! Most all their beloved belongings went up in smoke along with their beautiful home that they'd built and loved. It was such a huge loss for them, for their whole family. It was quite the ordeal. I am happy to announce that within the past two weeks they have moved back into their now rebuilt home. The kids scheduled this family session as a surprise for the mom and dad so they could hang a new family photo on the walls of their new home. So cool, right? restoration! 

Let's get to the photos! 

Hope your Sunday was filled with family, fun, and crazy good times! 

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