I had a photo shoot last Friday morning that I had to edit and have done by Monday. I sat down about 9:00 pm to just start on them. But before I could start in on the photos I had to play a game or two or three or 10 of solitaire (I usually play until I win, that never happened tonight). Finally about 10:30 pm I started on the photos. I'm just going to say that the one year old boy I took them of is heart melting cute. I'll post some soon. Although I was just going to start on the photos I actually got them done! Hazza! Then "As Good As It Gets" was on and just ending so I had to watch that, the ending is my favorite part. It's a happy ending love story!
Here's some "bokeh" photos. I love them, they just make me happy much like the ending of the movie I just watched. They don't really have anything to do with anything but it's now 3:00 am and I can post what I want, after all it is my blog :)

This week was a great week! Why was it a great week? Because God showed Himself faithful to me in small ways that only I know about. I love that He's intimate with me and at work and showing me that He's at work and that on occasion I do hear from Him! I'm here to tell you at 3:06 am that God is faithful and you can trust Him. He doesn't ever work like I think He could or should but He does always work it out for me.
In other news I actually started my Christmas shopping on Friday.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night or good day as it's now 3:09 am!
Julie, you're intimacy with God is something I really admire.
I'm a Christmas shopping flunky this year - haven't done any yet :)
I pray that your Christmas is wonderful!
so love you and your heart and quirkiness :)
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