Here we are just a few day's before Christmas. Store's are jammed packed with people hustling about spending money on gifts to give and food to make, Christmas music is playing, pretty twinkling lights and decorations are up everywhere. Travel will be in some people's Christmas plans like the classic "Trains, Planes & Automobiles," ha, what a great movie! Parties are in full swing with families, friends and coworkers. This is what Christmas looks like present day, but what did it look like on the night the Christ was born? There was travel involved in this first Christmas too as Joseph and the very pregnant Mary traveled to Bethlehem. The city was filled with people, not to shop or celebrate but to pay their taxes, so many in fact every hotel/motel/ inn was filled. Stars shining in the sky were the lights that God strung to welcome the birth of his son. Mary gave birth to the King of Kings in a humble stable and wrapped her baby in some cloth and laid him in the manger (feeding trough). In the quiet of night came the greatest gift. . So Christmas was then and is now about the gift He gave, His Son, born to die, for us. What a gift. Never in my life have I experienced such a life changing, life giving gift as this one...Jesus!

I baby sat the lovely Ruby on Saturday so her parents could go do a little Christmas Shopping. My Christmas Tree was very entertaining for her. She spent a lot of time looking at and trying to pull off ornaments. Her favorite one was a baby in basket "Baby Jesus." She kept trying to see the baby in it and would reach way up to tilt the basket so she could see it and say "baby."
Amidst the lights, the food and festivities let's not forget the Gift..
We don't have to strain and reach to see and touch Him.
He's right here, with us!
Emmanuel, God with us...
Merry Christmas!!!
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