
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy Sunday...

Just wanted to share a few photos from a recent shoot I did of my family. It's a miracle that we were all able to get together so I had to take the opportunity to get some updates. 

I love this one! It looks like everyone is looking at me at excited to be having their photos taken, but no, the truth is they were looking at the dog who was conveniently walking by. The dog walker kindly stopped right behind me so we could successfully snap some photos. 

It's an all wave! 

 After the shoot we had to have to running...

 and more running...

This is what happens when you give a five year old your camera...

Happy Sunday ya'll...


Diane Reed Loew said...

a whole lot of love in those pictures :)

Susie said...

I love it! You are a great Mom, grandma!

Anonymous said...

These are so great Julie. What a big and beautiful family.